Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cub Scout Day Camp 2009!

It's time to register for the 2009 Cub Scout Day Camp! Christopher had a blast last year! They keep them busy from 7:30-3 Monday through Thursday and then from 7:30-noon on Friday. They can qualify for patches in archery and BB guns. Friday is a Fun Day with water activities and all sorts of obstacle courses and games. So far, I know that Christopher, Mauricio, and William are definitely going from the Wolf Pack and Thad and another Tiger Cub are going so join in on the fun! Early registration is $85 and is due by May 8th. You have until May 18th to register but after the 8th it's $115 so get those forms in NOW!

Check out the website at on the favorites list to the right and below at...


Here are some pictures from last year....

Blue and Gold Banquet




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The Blue and Gold banquet is a big time for all the scouts. The skits (although hokey for most of the adults) are great for the kids. Just think about it, by the time they have to give a speech in high school; these kids will have been up in front of an audience about 100 times. Now that's a life lesson.

Blakely Campout





If you haven't heard the "bumper bar" story, you're missin' out!
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Pinewood Derby 2009

The Pinewood Derby

What an exciting time for all the scouts. I think this is the best event of the year. It is hard to explain 150 people in the Murphy Center chanting for a block of wood to anyone who hasn't been there and done that.




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