Friday, November 14, 2008

Upcoming Events

Hello all. I have now recovered from the campout and ready to move forward. I decided on the fly to not corral the boys at the campout for a den meeting so we’ll make it up after Thanksgiving. I got some info that everyone needs to read and respond so that I know you got it and if you plan to attend.

Popcorn: It is coming in on Saturday and I will pick it up. I need to get it to folks ASAP because I am out of town all next week. So, I will have it with me at the football end of year party where I should catch Brooks (x2) and Beard. Collier and Washington will pick up their own from Tim Spafford’s. So that leaves Myers and Blake for me to catch this weekend. I will call you after I pick it up and make sure you get it.

Leader’s Meeting- A leader’s meeting is planned for Tuesday night, as above, I will try to catch it by phone but I will get whatever info to you ASAP next week.

Den Meeting: December 6th at Home Depot on Schillingers Road. Time 10AM Activity: Building an art easel and a tools scavenger hunt.

Den Meeting: December 14th at St. Dominic (Pavilion): Will work on Acheivement 3, 4, and 12. Please review with them and complete the healthy habits worksheet (which takes 2 weeks) and bring it with you.

Den meeting: January 10th at 5 Rivers Center Time: pending. Will hopefully get the conservation beltloop and finish up any last achievements. Remember that 7-12 is to be done primarily as a family.

Campout: Chickasaogue 2 Night campout January 30th -February 1st (Friday through Sunday) Guided hike and service project on Saturday and group event in the afternoon.

Web Site: I need pictures to post on the new website. Send them my way.
Other events coming up…. Thanksgiving Pack Meeting, Christmas Skate Pack Party, Den meeting to work on Derby cars, Derby Race… so we got a lot of things coming up.

Beltloops: Attached is a copy of the beltloops that I am ordering to award at the Thanksgiving Pack Meeting. Review it and get back to me for any changes by Wednesday, November 19th.


I would like to go to the Gulf Coast Exploreum and Fort Conde for a den meeting. Problem is that the Exploreum is a little costly (about $25 for parent and child) for admission and IMAX. So I was thinking we would do that in February if all agree. Let me know what you think on this one…..

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